• Add a date stamp to any file or folder, or remove one.
All three operations are done by simply dragging the files or folders you want to change onto FileMunger, the rest is automatic.
How does it work:
If this is too long to read, just skip to the "Quick Summary" section below.
FileMunger is a "Drag and Drop" application. That means that if you want to change a file with it, just drag the file over on top of FileMunger, let go of the mouse, and FileMunger will make the changes. If you want to change 100 different files, just select them all in the Finder, drag them over to FileMunger and let go.
To change what operation FileMunger will perform when you drag something onto it, simply double click on the application to open the configuration dialog. FileMungers Icon changes depending on how you set things in this dialog, so you'll always know what FileMunger is going to do before you drag something onto it.
The configuration dialog has three selection buttons, and a number options you can set for each type of operation: File Extensions, File Creator and Type codes, and Dates.
Changing a files Type and Creator codes with FileMunger:
Set up FileMunger to change a files type and creator codes by double clicking on the application and pressing the "Crossed Plungers over Document" Icon. Press "OK" to close the dialog. The rest of the setup is done by changing FileMungers name to match the file type and creator codes you want. For example changing FileMungers name to "TEXT ttxt" will cause it to convert those awful read-only SimpleText "ReadMe" files into plain text files. FileMunger allows a simple alternative to first finding, and then typing in the codes you want. After setting FileMunger to change type and creator codes, simply hold down the option key while you drag and drop a file of the desired type onto FileMunger. FileMunger will read the files type and creator codes, and rename itself appropriately. Once FileMunger is set up to change type and creator codes, all you need do is drag and drop the files you want to change onto FileMunger.
A word of caution: Changing a files creator and type codes can be a dangerous business, and the operation is NOT easily undoable. If you change 100 random documents and applications into SimpleText files, the Mac, and SimpleText, will henceforth consider them all to BE SimpleText files, with all accompanying rights, properties and behaviors.
Turning the Finder into a SimpleText document is NOT a good idea. If you use this feature, be SURE you know what you are doing.
Changing a files Extension with FileMunger:
Set up FileMunger to change file extensions by double clicking on the application and pressing the "Filename Extensions" button. If you want to remove an old extension before putting on a new one, make sure the "Remove old .Ext" box is checked. Press "OK" to close the dialog. The rest of the setup is done by adding the extension you want to use to FileMungers name. For example changing FileMungers name to "FileMunger.html" will cause it to add the .html extension to any file dropped on it. If you hold down the option key while dragging a file onto FileMunger, it will add that extension to its own name. To remove extensions from file names, engage the caps lock key, and then drag files onto FileMunger.
More words of caution: File extensions are the creator/type codes of the DOS/Windows world. While adding an .exe extension to your text files before giving them to you Wintel friends may seem like innocent fun, it can have disastrous consequences. FileMunger finds extensions by looking for the last "." in a file name. Anything after that, that isn't part of a date, is considered to be an extension. While most extensions are 3-4 characters long, FileMunger will let you add and remove extensions of any length.
Adding/Removing a date stamp to/from Files and Folders with FileMunger:
Set up FileMunger to add a date stamp to files and folders by double clicking on the application and pressing the "Filename Dating" button. Choose the type of date you want to add from the Popup Menu. The choices are: Todays Date, which will add the current date and time to file names; Modification Date, which will add each files modification date to its filename; and Creation Date, which will add each files creation date. Choose the style of the date you want to add by changing the Style text. the abbreviations used for setting the style are:
hh hour mm minute
DD day MM month
YY or YYyy 2 or 4 digit year
You can use (almost) any separator you want between the parts of the date, and FileMunger will date things using just the date parts you want.
Examples for the file "MyStuff":
MM/DD/YY -> MyStuff-12/22/99
DD.MM.YY -> MyStuff-22.12.99
MM-DD-hh-mm -> MyStuff-12-22-99 1053
MM YYyy -> MyStuff-12 1999
If you click the "Add as Prefix" box, the dates will be prepended to the filename: "12/99-MyStuff". File dating will respect any extensions that may already be part of a files name. For example "Mystuff.html" -> "MyStuff-10/24/99.html"
If you click the "Ignore .exts" box (ignore extensions) the addition of dates will NOT respect file extensions; so that, for example "Mystuff.html" -> "MyStuff.html-10/24/99". This is useful if you have files that include "." separated version numbers. With it checked, "MyApp 1.0.7" -> "MyApp 1.0.7-10/24/99" instead of "MyApp 1.0-10/24/99.7".
To remove a date stamp from a file or folder, simply engage the caps lock key before dragging a file onto FileMunger.
There are, of course, a few limitations on adding dates to files. If the resulting filename would be longer than the Mac Finder allows, no date will be added. You cannot use ":" as a date separator, this character is illegal in file names. If you include the minutes in a date, the hours will always be included. Hours are given in 24 hour clock format, AM and PM would just add too many characters. GIGO, if you type "Frozen Pizza" in the date string, FileMunger will use its default date format of MM/DD/YY.
Final words of caution: FileMunger has the ability to add and remove dates from file and folder names. It, like any utility that renames files, should be treated with caution. Most of the time FileMunger will do the right thing, and only the right thing. It does a number of "sanity" checks before removing a date string, however things can and will still go wrong. The simplest case where this will happen is if you have a set a files named "DonsFile-1,DonsFile-2....DonsFile-11" FileMunger will correctly decide that a -1 can't possibly be a date,and refuse to remove it, but the -11 in DonsFile-11 could be a date so FileMunger will remove it... If in doubt, first test FileMunger on something you don't care about.
Since hardly anyone actually reads "ReadMe" files, FileMunger is set up so that if you double click on it, it will show you a summary of how it works. Click on each of the Icons to get a summary for that process, click on the About button to get credits and registration information.
Quick Summary:
Double click on FileMunger to set up what it will do.
Drag files, folders, or disks onto FileMunger to change their properties.
FileMungers Icon changes to tell you what it is set up to do.
File Type/Creator Codes:
Drag files onto FileMunger to give them the same type and creator as the name of FileMunger.
Hold down the option key while dragging a file to rename FileMunger after the files type and creator codes.
File Extensions:
Drag files onto FileMunger to give them the same extension as FileMunger.
Hold down the option key while dragging a file to add its' extension to FileMungers' name.
Engage the caps-lock key before dragging to remove file extensions from files.
Double click on FileMunger to set the date format.
Drag files or folders onto FileMunger to give them a date string.
Engage the caps-lock key before dragging to remove date strings from files.
System Requirements:
FileMunger requires a PowerPC Mac with OS 8 or higher to run. This includes most of the Macs sold since 1997. If you are still using System 7, FileMunger won't work. If you are using an old IIci, Quadra, or SE-30, FileMunger won't work.
How Much does FileMunger Cost:
FileMunger is Shareware. The cost of a single copy is $10. Site licenses are also available. You may use a copy of the program for up to two months for evaluation purposes, after that either throw it away or register it. Once you have a registration number, double click on FileMunger, and enter your name and registration number in the spaces provided.
Registering FileMunger:
Registration is handled by Kagi Software, and can be done online at http://order.kagi.com/?Q81. Online registration is the quickest way to get your registration number, but requires a credit card.
You can also register by e-mail, fax, or post by using the Register application that comes with FileMunger. Payment may be made by by Credit Card, Check, P.O's etc . Once your payment is received, you will be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed a unique registration number within 4-5 days.
•Get online, point your web browser to http://order.kagi.com/?Q81 and fill in the form.
• Run the Register program that comes with FileMunger and fill out the form. The cost for a single copy is US$10. You'll need to enter your name and email or postal address (as applicable). The form accepts many different payment methods such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash (in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Invoice (to be given to your accounts payable department). If your copy of Register has gone missing, you can get another one at http://members.aol.com/halfhill/.
• Send the form to Kagi Shareware.
Either email the data generated by the registration program or print it and mail or fax it to Kagi. Credit card information is encrypted by the Register program.
The address to send the form to is printed by the Register application when you Print or Copy the completed form. The addresses are:
Email: <shareware@kagi.com>
FAX: +1 510 652 6589
Kagi Software
1442-A Walnut Street #392-Q81C
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
Single copy: US$ 10
Site license: US$ 150
World-wide license: US$ 900
Site licensing covers all machines in an organization which are within a 100 mile radius of some central point.
Once you have a registration number, double click on FileMunger, and enter your name and registration number in the spaces provided.
For the latest version of FileMunger, as well other fine software, check out the support site at:
You MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE this program on any disk, CD etc. costing more than $20 without my explicit permission.
This software should behave as described in this manual. It should never cause any damage, but you’re using it at your own risk. As an independent software developer, I can make no warranties whatsoever on it.
US Government:
If you are acquiring the Software and fonts on behalf of any unit or agency of the United States Government, the following provisions apply. The Government agrees:
(i) if the Software and fonts are supplied to the Department of Defence (DoD), the Software and fonts are classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the Government is acquiring only "restricted rights" in the Software, its documentation and fonts as that term is defined in Clause 252.227-7013(c)(1) of the DFARS; and
(ii) if the Software and fonts are supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than DoD, the Government's rights in the Software, its documentation and fonts will be as defined in Clause 52.227-19(c)(2) of the FAR or, in the case of NASA, in Clause 18-52.227-86(d) of the NASA Supplement to the FAR.
"Macintosh", "Apple", "Finder", "SimpleText" and "ResEdit" are copyrighted by and/or trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Holding down command period will stop FileMunger in its tracks.
If you don't like the "-" that separates dates from a filename, or the " " that separates hours and minutes from the rest of the date, and happen to have a resource editor, you can change them. The two characters are stored in STR# ID 128.
If you really don't like the 24 hour time format, you'll have to email me and tell me I should have put that in in the first place...
For the paranoid: A date must be preceded or end with a "-" character. A date may have no more than 3 separators in it, i.e. "10/24/99 1130" has two slashes and a space = 3. Each number in a date string must be either 1,2, or 4 digits long, thus "333" cannot possibly be part of a date. Filenames either start with a date, end with a date, or end with a date followed by an extension (eg .txt). Dates may not be internal to a filename. A date cannot contain more than two 4 digit numbers. If a potential date fails any of the above criteria, FileMunger will not treat it as a date. FileMunger is, however, smart enough to correctly handle european style dates with file extensions e.g. "Escargot-22.11.94.txt".